Friday, 13 April 2007

Early Crusader Knights

Three more early Crusaders. Black Tree Design. Below is shown a bit of the inspiration for one of the above shields: an ivory bookcover from the Meuse-Region, Europe, 2nd half 8th century showing Christus Victor. As it looks very timeless byzantine it's just right for my Antiochian Crusader army.
Somewhere I heard the bellicose franks prefered warrior saints like St. Martin or St. George. In a similar way medieval frankish crusader knights fought as "milites christi" and worshiped Christ as their invincible hercules. And somewhere on my harddisk there is a picture of a 13th century illumination showing Christ on a charger leading a bunch of heavly armoured knights in his raised right hand an open book and between his lips the blade of a long dagger, a symbolic gesture emphasizing the superiority of the spoken word over ... hm...sometimes I'm not sure over what...over violence? Hm...but anyway, makes for a good banner-emblem for a lead army.
Christ bares his cross over his right shoulder like an axe.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Just awesome! You paint like a god. I am truely humbled.

I love your game board for the living room idea too.

Jim K

Menic said...

Ay Jim
thanx for dropping by. I think I've seen you on a photo on Mike's DBAgamer Blog, battling against his Thracians in the "Haven"...just the sound of it: "Haven"... I wished there would be a place like that here in Switzerland (*sigh*).

Beam me up, Scotty ;)

Greetz Menic

This blog is dedicated to ancient and medieval miniature wargaming. I'd like to share pictures of my painted armies and models, self made terrain-pieces and sketches of projects still residing in my head or on a piece of paper.
My main interest at the moment is creating armies and accessories, researching for historical or made-up scenarios and campaigns for the fast-play wargaming rules from "De bellis Antiquitatis" (DBA) with 25mm and 15mm figurines.
I use the blog-format rather unconventionaly. It is more like a scrapbook. And I update the older posts so keep checking. I recommend utilizing the labels to the left. So if your just interested in miniatures click the "Miniatures"-label and you will be presented with posts concerning painting, figurines etc. And don't forget to click on "older posts" at the bottom of the page for more. And many thanks for commenting!
Photographs showing painted toy soldiers, terrain pieces, scratch-built things and drawings © Menic Rüttimann 2.Nov.2006. Please notify me if you wish to use these.

Let your fancy flow...