Thursday, 14 June 2007

Legio XI Claudia Pia Fidelis in Fribourg

I spent last weekend (June 9th and 10th 2007) in Fribourg (Switzerland) at the Archéoféstival. At the exhibition, archeologists from all over Switzerland gave an insight on their work, mostly concerning the neolithicum, Bronzeage and Ironage (Celts and Romans). Apart from a whole bunch of committed experimential archeologist working on bows+arrows, bronze and silex tools and roman cuisine there was a handful of legionaries from the 11th Legion in full authentic armour making their rounds on the site. I made a lot of fotos...and back home I realised I had about 50 pictures showing the same romans over and over again! In the end Caudius let me try on the whole equipement, that's happy me on the picture. Here's a link to their Website:

Here are some more pics:

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This blog is dedicated to ancient and medieval miniature wargaming. I'd like to share pictures of my painted armies and models, self made terrain-pieces and sketches of projects still residing in my head or on a piece of paper.
My main interest at the moment is creating armies and accessories, researching for historical or made-up scenarios and campaigns for the fast-play wargaming rules from "De bellis Antiquitatis" (DBA) with 25mm and 15mm figurines.
I use the blog-format rather unconventionaly. It is more like a scrapbook. And I update the older posts so keep checking. I recommend utilizing the labels to the left. So if your just interested in miniatures click the "Miniatures"-label and you will be presented with posts concerning painting, figurines etc. And don't forget to click on "older posts" at the bottom of the page for more. And many thanks for commenting!
Photographs showing painted toy soldiers, terrain pieces, scratch-built things and drawings © Menic Rüttimann 2.Nov.2006. Please notify me if you wish to use these.

Let your fancy flow...